- Can you help us with OneClicks and Cross Sale deals?
- Can you help us with translations?
- Do you allow free trials/free subscriptions?
- Offers: how many of them should I display to my visitors?
- What’s my Shared Secret? Where can I find my Shared Secret?
- How do I start Integration with Vendo
- Can we place a tracking pixel in the confirmation/success page?
- What are Cancel Discount Offers (CDO)?
- What are Back Discount Offers (BDO)?
- What are Retention Discount Offer (RDO)?
- What are Expiry Discount Offers (EDO)
- Is it possible to show a specific prejoin template to a specific traffic source with a parameter?
- When configuring a cascade between billers, can I define the maximum of retries before redirecting to the next biller?