Vendo Services
Vendo Platform
Vendo Platform
Vendo Data Tools Videos
How do I get my ex-members list sorted by cancellation reasons?
Can you help us with OneClicks and Cross Sale deals?
Can you help us with translations?
Do you allow free trials/free subscriptions?
Offers: how many of them should I display to my visitors?
What’s my Shared Secret? Where can I find my Shared Secret?
How do I start Integration with Vendo
See all 13 articles
What are the Username and Password requirements for new users?
Do you offer one-clicks?
Do you offer one-clicks to Cam products?
Do you offer one-clicks to Dating products?
Do you work with NATS?
How do I refund a transaction in Vendo's back office?
See all 30 articles
Start with Vendo
How long does it take to activate a site (status = active) once it is created (status = draft)?
Why do I need to provide Vendo with passports and utility bills of each stakeholder and owner of the company during the onboarding process?
Which types of discount offers can I give endusers?
What VENDO IP should we add to the whitelist?
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