Yes, Vendo has launched a new feature that will help our merchants fight fraudsters and chargebacks more efficiently. This feature allows us to get last login date about your members.
You can benefit using these simple steps:
1) If you use NATS 4 and updated it at least in December 2016 then you’re already integrated, and all you need to do is implement this NATS API.
2) If your NATS installation is older than December 2016 then
A) Open a ticket for TooMuchMedia to get NATS updated (you won't lose data or anything)
B) Implement this NATS API.
For this to work, it is important that you to confirm with your development team that you’re informing NATS every time a member logs into your members' area.
3) If you’re not running NATS then please get in touch with Vendo Client Services and request steps to get this feature installed.
Please use the comments section below to ask any additional information.
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